course n (pluriel: courses)
lesson n (pluriel: lessons)
exercise n (pluriel: exercises)
L'écolière a eu du mal à finir ses exercices de grammaire.
grammar school, high school, secondary modern school, sixth form college, academy, technical college, university, polytechnic, vocational training colleges, teacher training colleges, art school, drama school, music school, American high school, Jewish school, Catholic school, international school etc.
the process of teaching or learning, especially in a school or college, or the knowledge that you get from this: receive an education As a child he received most of his education at home.
Mention très bien : with highest honour. Mention bien : with high honours. Mention assez bien : with honours. Mention passable : with standard pass.
Par exemple, le mot « CV » en anglais britannique s'écrira « Curriculum Vitae » (ou « CV »), alors qu'en anglais américain, on parle de « Resume » ou « Personal Resume ».
In the classroom : En classe : Hello ! Bonjour ! (lorsque vous vous adressez à un élève ). Good morning !
reprise (recommencement):
Comment utiliser "school mark" dans une phrase
These should then be weighted with students' school marks. I worked hard in training and made sure my school marks were good.
L'enseignement à distance, également appelé e-learning, vous permet de vous former sans avoir besoin de vous rendre dans un établissement scolaire.
So how's school? Comment va l'école, Ede ? How's school, Ede?